The people behind

We are Sophie, Max & Alexandra. Together we have been creating offline retreats since 2017, under the name Wurzelwerkstatt.


Nature and exercise give her strength. The mountains and the water are her home; where she blossoms. She constantly balances on a fine line between flowing with her intuition and working with determination on her goals. Always full of energy and ready for a surprise, she knows where to find peace and where her roots are. The path of motherhood is giving her serenity and develops her potential as a placeholder, even further. 

She holds over 500 hours of certified yoga teacher trainings and is a qualified mental trainer. As a naturally curious person, she is constantly educating herself and has several other educations such as a Thai Massage Training. Currently, she is doing her Pre- and Postnatal Yoga teacher training and soon a Permaculture course. 

On the retreat she leads yoga, meditation, and movement sessions.

Favourite tree:


Favourite food:

Vietnamese summer rolls 

Sun sign / Moon sign / Ascendan:

Scorpio / Aries / Pisces  

Saying/ wisdom:

It’s exactly what you think it is.


For a feeling person, the joy of connecting with people and creative work comes very naturally. In everything she does, two aspects play a significant role for Sophie: Creativity and Community. In addition, her flair for the small, beautiful things, her good memory for names, and the combinations of tastes in her head are also great advantages. Sophie is one of the two people behind the scenes of unkitschig, an authentic couple photography business. She also  supports the y.lab in Vienna with her creative but organized skills and is currently building her self-employement. 

At the Wurzelwerkstatt, Sophie takes care of all participants’ well-being, supports the guided journaling sessions and might take a picture now and then.

Favourite tree:


Favourite food:

Parmigiana di Melanzane + Foccacia

Sun sign / Moon sign / Ascendant:

Aquarius / Pisces / Leo

Saying/ wisdom:

collaboration over competition


A quiet and calm observer. That’s what best describes Max in most situations. His love of capturing beautiful moments turned into his profession six years ago. As a photographer, he does just that with full enthusiasm. His interest in analog photography was a great inspiration for the creation of Wurzelwerkstatt. He makes sure that we don’t need our mobile phones to capture beautiful moments. Instead, we all see our memories of the Wurzelwerkstatt through Max’s eyes.

Favourite tree:


Favourite food:


Sun sign / Moon sign / Ascendant:

 Capricorn / Aries / Scorpio

Saying/ wisdom:

There is strength in calmness.

We look forward to relax, grow and learn together with you